AESA Concerebce Submit Abstract

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Asian Exercise and Sport Science Journal (Asian Exerc Sport Sci J)

The Asian Exerc Sport Sci J serves as an invaluable platform for the dissemination of research findings in the diverse fields of sports science, sport physiology, sport management, kinesiology, and sports injuries. We extend a warm invitation to researchers from around the globe to collaborate with us by submitting and publishing their manuscripts. Your contributions play a crucial role in advancing our collective understanding of these vital areas of study. Join us in sharing knowledge and fostering growth in the world of sports science.

Visit The Journal's Website


We would like to invite Researchers on the following subjects to submit their research abstracts at our conference. Your valuable research will be shared by other researchers and will be beneficial for our community.

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"AESA, the Association for International Education and Knowledge Sharing, is a non-profit organization established in 2012."

